1. Get a great white tank: No matter what season, what occasion, even what decade we're in...there will always be the need for a classic white tank top. My absolute favorite brand for tank tops is Theory. They have great spandexy/stretchy ones that come in racer back, thin straps, crew neck, etc. These spandex ones are great because they always appear to be fresh and clean cut, even if you haven't washed them in a while ;) The only downside is that sometimes they roll up which is the number one most annoying thing in the world. TIP-to avoid this, tuck it into not just your pants, but your underwear as well...it might be a little weird but totally worth it! The other Theory that I recommend purchasing is the classic long tank that has about 1 inch straps. It's long so it never rises up and will never show the gross "crack in the back".
Okay, tip time. Because Theory is obscenely overpriced, always purchase them at the Theory Outlet store (there is one at Woodberry Commons in NY) or at the Theory Sample Sales (check out Clothingline.com to see when/where they are). This will cut the price by about 50%. Some of you may think that even after 50% off, the price is still too much but they're worth, BUT the quality of the shirts mixed with the frequency in which you wear them...come on, you'll definitely get your money's worth!
2. Online Sample Sales: If you've been living under a rock for the last year you probably haven't been invited to these "exclusive" sample sale websites. Here's how they work, at the beginning of the week you receive an email telling you which designers will be on sale in the upcoming days, then you frantically sit and wait for them to begin :) My personal favorite is Gilt Groupe, http://www.gilt.com/. Not only do they have the best brands (Marc by Marc Jacobs, Hunter Boots, Rich & Skinny, Chanel, and yes they even had Christian Louboutin!!) but they give you a $25 gift certificate when someone that you "invited" to the site, makes their first purchase!! Other sites are http://www.hautelook.com/ and http://www.ruelala.com/. The only downside to hautelook is A. they take FOREVER to ship and B. their gift cards are only $10 when your friend makes their first purchase....I know, I know, stop being greedy, $10 is nicer than nothing.
Tip time: Pay attention to the emails that alert you of the upcoming sales. Find the brands you want and anticipate what they may have on sale. I recommend going to a store and trying things on so you're aware of your size. I insist on doing this not because of the return policies these sites have (b/c they do allow returns but for store credit only), but more because the SECOND you sign onto the sale page you need to quickly revert back to 4th grade and use the Mavis Beacon computer skills you were taught! Items go very quickly and are often either "sold out" or "on hold". So, if you are ready with what you want and the size you want it in you should be able to snag that bargain! See...those painful computer lab skills do come in handy :)
3. The do's and don'ts of shopping:
Don't shop when you're tired. Don't shop when you're full or hungry. Don't shop when you're grossly pale or haven't shaved your legs since last summer. Don't shop when you're having an "ugly" day or week (come on, they often last longer than a day) and preferably not during your lady week either!
Do shop when you're tan, shaven and manicured-that's how you'll look when you're wearing the clothes so stop forcing yourself to "imagine what you'll look like". Do shop once you've digested and deflated from your last meal. Do bring along your best shopping partner, but only if you like their style...it's too tiresome thinking of excuses every time they suggest you "try this on". And, do consider bringing some heels to try dresses on with...standing on your tippy toes just doesn't lengthen the body like you want.
"Fashion can add to your life. Beautiful things can add to your life, but you can't ever become trapped by them and believe they are really the key to happiness."- Tom Ford
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
You want style? Come and get it... (CLOSET WORKSHOP)
There is nothing more fun than dressing someone else. It's like playing with Barbie all over again, except this time you can actually imagine the places these outfits will travel to-work, a date, shopping with the girls, etc.
My first style assignment: Dress my friend only using her clothes, and nothing else. An outfit for date night, an outfit for work, and an outfit for shopping & lunch with the girls. Luckily, I love her style so it was a rather easy first assignment. If you're bored one day I suggest doing this with your friends. Even though she had all the clothes in her room, these outfits had never been put together before. So, it pays to get someone else's opinion...there's some saying for that but I'm drawing a blank.
Date Night:
I actually found this dress for Allison at Target. It's their Mossimo brand and was on sale for under $30-what a steal! The safari style is perfect for summer; the colors are light and fun, and the actual dress is short and flirty without giving off the slut vibe. We found her shoes at Zara (before the assignment), they were $95. They're comfortable and definitely a key item for spring to summer wardrobe. The belt was purchased at Zoya in White Plains, NY and the clutch is obviously Tory Burch. Although I'm not a Tory advocate, it works well with the outfit. Mixing one statement piece (the dress) with solid accessories (shoes, bags, and clutch) works perfectly. Sometimes people are hesitant to mix browns but I am all about it as long as there is only one brown with a design.
Lunch & shopping with the girls:
You always want to look nice when you're with the girls...we're the ones who actually care. For this outfit I went for relaxed and colorful. Jean shorts just make every outfit, you can do soooooo much with them. For this, I put her Seven shorts (cut from jeans!!!) with a big sunshine-yellow James Perse tank. To make it pop, I added the scarf (Elizabeth Gillet, $60). The fuchsia contrasted with the yellow is AA and the gray matched perfectly with the shorts. The belt is the same one as above and since it was a day outfit, I went for her new gold sandals (works perfectly because of the gold threading in the scarf) from Urban Outfitters (less than $30), instead of heels. Her bag is from Forever 21 and under $30. The glasses are Spitfire ($35) from Plaza Too in Bronxville, NY. The outfit is extremely affordable and I'm sure none of you would have guessed some of the items were so reasonably priced. A tip: mix cheap with expensive...never do all of one at once, it never seems to achieve the right balance!
And the dreaded work outfit:
If it were up to me you'd be allowed to wear what you want at work. I always hated my internships because I looked like a 50 year old woman shoved into a 19 year old body. Luckily, I've found myself in post-college jobs that allow me to dress however I want!! So, I'm doing this for all of you ;) The outfit I put on Allison is a little risky but if you're in the right industry, it should be fine. Now, this outfit also proves that I was honest and did not go out and buy anything (or borrow it from someone else) because I really wanted a black summer blazer to put with it and make it a little more work appropriate. Soooo, you will all have to use your imaginations. The skirt is DVF and was purchased at her annual summer sample sale!!! The blank tank top can be any stretchy and silky one you own. Just make sure it's not cotton! As for the scarf, we couldn't figure out where she bought that one-oops, but you can really use any scarf as long as it matches the shoes!! The shoes...they reallllly make the outfit and tie everything together, they're the statement piece. They are leopard Betta Carrano flats, pricey, but worth it. Take the (imaginary) blazer off, tie the scarf tighter, trade the flats for heels and ta-da! You've got an outfit that you can wear straight to those much needed post-work cocktails :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church. They're afraid God might recognize them and ask for autographs. -Fred Allen
Sunglasses are an accessory that no girl should be without...at any time. Not only are they extremely fun to pick out (oh my god the variety!!) but they also do a damn good job at covering up faces without make up. For those of you that don't know me, I'm a huge wear-your-makeup-at-all-times advocate. But, for those days where you really do sprint out of the house without doing your makeup, just to run a quick errand (because there really is no other excuse for no makeup besides that, in my mind), make sure you have your sunglasses! My suggestion-buy one nice pair and 2 or 3 cheap, trendy pairs. * I emphasize the combo of trendy and cheap a lot because there is nothing worse then spending a fortune on something that goes out of style a month after the big purchase. *
I keep one cheap pair of glasses in my car and one in my bag at all times. I'm very scatter brained and very forgetful-I am definitely the person that switches bags and doesn't remember to transfer key items, ie. wallet, sunglasses, make up- ugh! So that's why the car pair is so key!
Okay so onto my picks for glasses. This is so extremely hard because everyone has such a drastic difference in face shape, so I'll give a variety.
Try the new Ray-Ban line. They have a ton of different colors and work really well with skinnier faces and smaller cheeks. The glasses give you a cool look without trying too hard. Ray-Ban has so many options and colors I think it would be best for you to take it upon yourself and look online at Bloomingdales, they have a great selection.
Another way to go with Aviators is vintage. ASK YOUR PARENTS/GRANDPARENTS, you would have no idea how cool their glasses can be. Also, flea markets & thrift stores always have cool, unique ones. But, if you're skeeved out by wearing someone else's hand me downs, go to www.urbanoutfitters.com, wow (See purple ones above, $16). They always have great, funky aviators. Beware though, they're inexpensive and great, but the quality is not top notch.
Now, if you want to go nicer & pricier Marc by Marc Jacobs (one of my absolute favorite designers) makes a really amazing thin-rimmed frame. See below (picture

courtesy of www.bloomingdales.com) These have a more serious tone and are a more classic, you-can-wear-them-everyday feel. They're $95 but definitely worth the splurge. They've got the quality of the higher-end Marc Jacobs label without the price tag.
Now my favorite!! The oversize sunglasses!!!
These are the besttttt for covering up the no-make up face and they really do add the wow/glamour factor to any single outfit. I feel like they also look good on both round and long faces! I suggest doing this in a more demure color, think black or tortoise shell. They were brought into fashion by Jackie O and are still as hot as ever. Again, these have such a range in price that you absolutely do not have to spend a ton of money. I bought my favorite pair at H&M for under $15 (see photo below). I mean come on, at that price, you can buy a couple! Just be a little careful with them because they're not the best quality.

If you have the bucks and are willing to spend some serious $$$ go by a nice Dior pair, see glasses to the right. Although these will be expensive, they are super classy and will be a great investment. If you're nervous about spending money on an item that you classify as "at the moment trendy" remember that fashion is very regenerative, so it IS sometimes good to splurge, because eventually they will come back in style. One thing that makes these glasses classy and NOT tacky is because the side is not bejeweled or too ornate, it's pretty simple! The second you get one of those diamondy, I bought these for a kabillion dollars look, you're going to get sick of them asap and never want to wear them again! So if you're going to buy expensive, make it a classier look. PLEASE NOTE, Meghan had JUST woken up from a night of partying (Killers Concert at Mohegan Sun) and was completely tired and hungover...would you have known that without me mentioning...NO! Why? Because of those great, huge, blockers of the puffy hangover eyes, sunglasses she's wearing...she looks fab!
So, my bottom line is that sunglasses are A. a necessity in every girl's wardrobe, B. there are so so so so so many options that you really don't have to pay a fortune unless you've got the moola and C. NOOOO ornate side features, it's just unnecessary and will get old too quickly. Now go out and buy a couple pairs before all the good ones are gone ;)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Summer Wardrobe Must Haves
Say goodbye to the shiny spandex that you've been wearing to cover up your unshaven, pale legs, becauseeee it's summertime!! The list I've put together are some items that I think every wardrobe should have...if you want to be a fashionista of course ;)

Jean Shorts: Although every store has tons of options, I really recommend using what you already have. Distressed and cut from your old jeans is the way to go. You want a short, loose, and frayed look ala Olsen (picture courtesy of People.com). Now, before you start cutting away, make sure the jeans you're working with are baggy enough to avoid the skin tight-my legs are loosing circulation, look. You want them LOOSE, we're not hoochies here and no matter how skinny you are, a tight jean short will never look good. Besides the basic jean shorts (I prefer the lighter jeans), frayed white ones are great too!
A Fancier Tank Top: A light summer silk is great. These tanks can be paired with jean shorts, white pants or tucked into a great short figure-fitting skirt. Right now, my favorite tank tops are the silk Joie racerbacks. (Vanessa Hudgens is wearing the feather one below with her b-e-a-utiful boyfriend). I have the hot pink one (pictured) which I think works fabulous with summer whites, but they come in a variety of colors and patterns...Bloomingdales has a great selection.
Cheaper Option: If you don't want to spend over $100 on a tank top (although the Joie ones are worth it because they really do go with everything), Matthew Williamson did a line at H&M that is very affordable. While I detest most of it, there is one piece which is AA (absolutely amazing). I first fell in love with the tank when I saw Miley wearing it on People.com's Style section. If you're going to buy it, I must warn you, it runs kinda small and they may be sold out by now, so call ahead!
A Fancier Tank Top: A light summer silk is great. These tanks can be paired with jean shorts, white pants or tucked into a great short figure-fitting skirt. Right now, my favorite tank tops are the silk Joie racerbacks. (Vanessa Hudgens is wearing the feather one below with her b-e-a-utiful boyfriend). I have the hot pink one (pictured) which I think works fabulous with summer whites, but they come in a variety of colors and patterns...Bloomingdales has a great selection.

The "Only Wear It In Summer" White Dress: Every year you can't wait until Memorial Day so you can finally put on that super cute (sometimes super short) white dress! Well, it's
time and this year you can actually buy it without digging into your savings. I found mine at Zara and I have to admit, Zara has really channeled Calypso this season and made those kabillion dollar beautiful whites, something a personal assistant like myself can afford-without working overtime-phew! I suggest going to the Zara right by Bryant Park, it has a big selection and tons of sizes. The right kind of white dress is key-NEVER get a skin-tight white dress, they're tacky. Think hippie instead, although it doesn't have to be long, it should be loose fitting and comfortable (see the Karta dress or the Elizabeth & James dress pictured to the left,

as seen on shopbop.com). Mine is so great because I can take it from day to night just by changing the shoes and accessories.
Cheaper Option: Tracy Feith is doing a line for Target until June 20th. It's only $45, called the "Strappy Dress-True White". Just remember, you get what you pay for. Although I think it's cute online, it could be a total bust in person, my instinct is buy then return if it's gross.
Summer Cocktail Dress: There are so many fun parties to go to in the summer and they're usually outside. So the perfect cocktail dress is key. The one I actually just bought is the silk Joie racerback tank but in a dress (pictured). I got it in black so I would definitely pair it with big gold hoops, a small gold chain + charm necklace (a couple of these go great together all at different lengths) and bright fun shoes & bangles. Think simple dress (so you can reuse without getting sick of it) with tons of funky and colorful accessories.
Cheaper Option: Another dress by Tracy Feith for Target. It's the perfect LBD (I'm ordering it as I'm typing). It's the "Strapless Dress-Ebony",
really reminds me of Lauren Conrad's style, which I love. I also just bought a cute Blue fabric-tiered Aqua dress (pictured). Aqua can either be very cheesy or great, so make sure you think hard before purchasing!
Blazer: They're just amazing and sooooo in this season. They look great with nice shorts, a short skirt, skinny white jeans, or even a cute little dress. There are a ton of linen ones that

really scream summer at Zara now. I suggest white because then you can wear it with everything. Also, get it one size up so you can roll the sleeves and kinda move in it like an Olsen would (on one of their good days, not they're bum-channeling days). Kate Bosworth & Sienna Miller perfect the look in a Chloe ensemble (picture courtesy of fabsugar).
Bikini: Yup, the bikini... I think the best way is the old "band-aid method": Put it on, put your cover up on IMMEDIATELY and then go straight to the beach...avoid mirrors/reflective glass, etc. Unless you're one of those freaks who actually has a great body. Okay, okay, I'm just

kidding/extremely jealous. My suggestion, have one bikini that will always fit. I like the simple string bikini from Old Navy. It's insanely inexpensive and you can mix and match the colors. I have the bright green bottom and then I wear it with either the white or black top (pictured). Another suggestion is Marc by Marc Jacobs bikinis. Although they're pricey (~$150+) they're totally worth it. I bought mine about 3 years ago and it still fits great and hasn't faded too much. It's also perfect because it has a hint of floral (pictured), which is huge this summer. Surprisingly it's not like the Burberry bikinis where you have to be stick thin to wear it, they're really comfy and fit the "more endowed back there" figures. Another alternative is to rock the one piece. Personally, I think this is very daring...I actually believe you need to have a skinnier/better body to do this because it tugs a lot. But, if you're going to do it this summer, try the one shoulder one piece.
Cheaper Option: Yet again, Tracy Feith for Target. She has some cute floral bikinis, I stress the word cute because I don't love them.

Maxi Dress: This is one of my favorites and it's not just because I'm lazy and hate to shave my legs, I just think it's a classy look. Maxi dresses with flats only though. I don't like the heels + maxi look at all. If you're dressing it up, just get really trendy/fancy flats and it'll look great. I suggest buying a solid color. Last summer I made the mistake of buying two patterned maxi's and by August I hated them. Remember-solid things can be worn 10x more than patterns!!! A belt, jewelry, scarf etc. can make the piece of clothing look completely different! My favorite reasonably priced maxi is the Susanna Monaco dress (pictured on Meghan) from last summer that she let me borrow :) It's the typical soft/stretchy material that makes it so easy to wear...and if you're small chested like me, no bra necessary!

White Jeans: Wear them skinny (J Brand), baggy&ripped (J Brand), or just a nice regular fit with a little flare at the bottom (Seven). The most important thing to remember is that a lot of them are stretch and thinner fabric than regular blue jeans. So, make SURE you look at yourself from all angles before leaving that dressing room. White jeans tend to be prettttttyunforgiving. If you're going baggy and ripped I highly suggest the J Brand Ginza Slouchy Cigarette Jeans (pictured on the left courtesy of shopbop.com), I just bought them! A friend of mine wore them last weekend and I fell in love. They look great rolled up with heels and a bright tank top tucked in. But you can also go completely cas and wear them with rainbows, a plaid button down and maybe even a cute fedora! The skinny & regular white jeans are pretty simple. Again, pair with a bright or dark (just not light) color and you're ready to go. If you're going with skinnies try it with a baggy vest, Zara has some great ones. The baggy vest will really make your legs look thinner.

Fabulous Cover Up: Last year I found mine. It's great. It's from Scoop (I got it on sale at Lord & Taylor...didn't even know they sold Scoop there!) It's just a wrap that can be worn as a long skirt cover up, a wrap-dress cover up and even folded over and worn with jeans. There are a ton of different cover ups out there...just promise me you will NOT wear boxers & a tank top or a terry cloth skirt & tank top, you are no longer in high school. A huge floppy hat and over sized beach bag are always great accessories to the cover up-so don't be afraid to rock them!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
“I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!” - Marilyn Monroe
Jeffrey Campbell IBIZA. I got these at Shoe Inn, I think they were a little more expensive BUT I bought them last season and am still wearing them. Great because not only are they gladiators but they're not the high ones that only girls with super skinny calves can wear! (Is that the correct spelling of calves...) I think they're super cute.
I bought these Clergerie shoes at The Penny Pincher Boutique in Bedford, NY. (It's the most amazing consignment store in Westchester NY...we'll get to that later). Anyway, I had been in love with these shoes when I was younger and could never afford them. Ahhh the beauty of consignment stores...
Michael by Michael Kors (probably my top ten affordable shoe designer). I bought these in the winter at Lord & Taylor but am definitely carrying these into the summer. They're about 5 inches high and as comfortable as slippers-it's the front platform that gives you that comfort fyi. They're very geometrically stimulating, big and bulky-in this season. I usually wear them with black opaque tights so I'm going to need some new ideas!
The best thing that ever happened to me-my very first pair of Louboutins. (To anyone who's already mocking my "affordable" remark earlier-I got them on sale on vacation FYI!)
Ahh, the $40 Calvin Kleins (on sale at Bloomindales NOW-I convinced my best friend to buy them in black too!) I must admit I am very averse to any type of wood on shoes, I know everyone loves it, but I just can't for some reason. It was the very light pink leathery/animal skin-looking craftsmanship that I fell in love with. They will look great with tan legs this summer AND everyone always says how tan/cream colors make legs look longer so, shoes-work your miracles! Since I do not get that tan, in order to wear these I will need to make many trips to the tanning salon and beach.
Shoes...Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! I honestly can't even begin to describe my obsession. Above all other fashion necessities, the perfect shoe is the most important part of an outfit. No matter HOW much weight you gain (or lose if you're one of the lucky few), your shoes will always be there for you...I guess unless you're one of those weird ones whose feet grow? Wait...does that happen?
Anyway...back to SHOES! Besides fabulous sandals, for the summer I believe you need great heels. Heels really accentuate your legs aka they make you feel skinnier and make your legs look longer. Unfortunately not all of us have Cameron's legs-ugh! Okay, okay, my shoe picks that I have recently bought are below.
*I am a personal assistant, EVERYTHING on this page is affordable, I do not have the IBanker budget most of you recent grads do! I am also NEVER afraid of letting you all now how great of a deal I got, so I will always let you know where I purchased the shoes and about how much I paid. Some items will be more expensive than others and I'll explain my reasoning of why I decided to pay more!
A. They're cheap, duh
B. They have the braid in them which is pretty popular now
C. They're metallic which I think is SO fun for the summer
Another Jeffrey Campbell IBIZA...great find. I got them at Lord & Taylor, super cheap. They have a hint of Slumdog Millionaire Indian theme to them and look great with white jeans and a simple top. Everyone needs a great pair of summer flats for the more casual events, although I don't think I'd wear these with a dress. But jean shorts, definitely!
HOW cute would these look when you're tan and have a little white or black dress-perfect. I think a great pair of non-fancy heels are perfect for beach-esque parties. They'll make your outfit look 10x better than flats without screaming "I'm wearing heels!"
They're great not just because of the red sole that makes every outfit 100x better but because CL has really perfected the art of making the toes in the peep toe look so cute! They're high but you do not notice it! I've only recently gotten into espadrilles after borrowing a pair from a friend. Now they've made my top ten must have list for summer. I've paired these with a light, summery, white dress and it looked great if I do say so myself!
Side note-I wore them with dark blue skinny jeans and they looked so great. Oh, and they are NOT the high shoes that are comfortable, I by accidentally had to take my shoes off at the restaurant-oops! So, they have their ups and downs. They're cheap, beautiful and will elongate your legs but your feet will pay the price.
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